Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Discovery of Witchcraft

I have here an interesting bit of history for NEW magicians. So if you are a professional just go to this LINK. OK back in 1584 people believed that magic was real and it was the power of the devil (BOOOOOO!). But then a person named Reginald Scot wrote a book named The Discovery of Witchcraft (The first magic book). Unfortunately the king of England took it the wrong way and had every copy burned (the burning of the books in magic). But luckily for us he missed a few copies so today there are still a few original copies floating around. I found an ad in Genii for an authentic copy of The Discovery of Witchcraft with only a few blots, tears, stains, etc. Today I looked up The Discovery of Witchcraft on GOOGLETM and found these excerpts from The Discovery of Witchcraft.

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